Welcome to West Shores Baptist Church


 Member of Southern California Baptist Convention

West Shores Baptist Church sets the foundation for strong communities in Salton Sea Beach. We are dedicated to the advancement of our religion through education, poverty relief, and other beneficial activities to the community.


In addition to our community services, we organize regular meetings and activities so that our members can join together and support our communities from day to day.


We are always happy to meet new people - everyone is welcome!

Inside the Lobby

Contact Us



"The Church

with the Steeple"



 Kawika Guibault

3383 Seaview Ave

Salton Sea Beach, CA


Church email: 



Active Deacons & Deaconesses

Our deacons

  Ed Perez:

Salton Sea Beach

  Gerald Adams:

Salton City

  David Reagle:

Salton City

Our deaconesses:

  Deanna Guibault:

Salton Sea Beach

  Sandy Falicki:

Salton City

  Leona Castle: 

Vista del Mar

We're here to welcome you. For non-emergencies, please drop by the church during these hours:

Sunday Bible Study and Worship

9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Wednesday-Women's Study Group

9 AM-11 AM


9:00 AM-11:00 AM