POTLUCK...a favorite of conosiours of good food

West Shores Baptist Church organizes a monthly potluck every 2nd Sunday of the month to allow people time to visit and fellowship. It's always a friendly occasion with lots of new faces to talk to. There is usually plenty of good food avaialble. Beverages are provided. 


November Thanksgiving Potluck - Getting Ready

Potluck - Again?

Past Christmas Celebrations

Church Work Days

Not all work is done outdoors. There are also people inside changing church decorations, doing necessary maintenance and repair work, cleaning out the church refrigerator, oiling wood furniture, putting books back on the shelves in the church library... There are plenty of opportunities to help keep WSBC moving forward.

Church Library

WSBC Library

The books in our church library have finally been "classified" according to the Dewey Decimal System. Although we are not yet "high-tec" in the library, there is a notebook available listing all the books by title and author. There is also a list of non-book items in the library (CDs, movies, games). This will help you find what you are searching for. The lists will be updated as more items are added to the library. A sign-out sheet is in the front of the notebook to record items borrowed.

Contact Us



"The Church

with the Steeple"



 Kawika Guibault

3383 Seaview Ave

Salton Sea Beach, CA


Church email: 



Active Deacons & Deaconesses

Our deacons

  Ed Perez:

Salton Sea Beach

  Gerald Adams:

Salton City

  David Reagle:

Salton City

Our deaconesses:

  Deanna Guibault:

Salton Sea Beach

  Sandy Falicki:

Salton City

  Leona Castle: 

Vista del Mar

We're here to welcome you. For non-emergencies, please drop by the church during these hours:

Sunday Bible Study and Worship

9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Wednesday-Women's Study Group

9 AM-11 AM


9:00 AM-11:00 AM