Prayer requests

Deanna Guibault will head up urgent prayer requests by phone or text message to others in the prayer chain.  Requests can be sent through the church email marked "Prayer Chain" and they will be forwarded to her.  The church email address is in the column on the right and in the "Contact Us" page.  Prayer time is also taken during the first minutes of the adult Bible study class on Sunday mornings. Thank you.


                            Our Prayer Requests

Pastor, Sunday School Teachers, Deacons, Deaconesses, Trustees, and worship team:

      Wisdom and guidance

State, Home and Foreign Missionaries:

      Wisdom, protection, and provision

Men and women serving in the armed forces: Protection

Returning veterans from military: Quick readjustment to return and jobs

Christians in areas of conflict:

      May their witness remain strong even as some of them face martyrdom for their beliefs

Our governing officials (local, county, state, and national)

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Contact Us



"The Church

with the Steeple"



 Kawika Guibault

3383 Seaview Ave

Salton Sea Beach, CA


Church email: 


Active Deacons & Deaconesses

Our deacons

  Ed Perez:

Salton Sea Beach

  Gerald Adams:

Salton City

  David Reagle:

Salton City

Our deaconesses:

  Deanna Guibault:

Salton Sea Beach

  Sandy Falicki:

Salton City

  Leona Castle: 

Vista del Mar

We're here to welcome you. For non-emergencies, please drop by the church during these hours:

Sunday Bible Study and Worship

9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Wednesday-Women's Study Group

9 AM-11 AM

Thursday-Men's Study Group

9 AM-11 AM


9:00 AM-11:00 AM