Our People

Our Deacons

Ed Perez lives in Salton Sea Beach. If you want to hear some fish stories, Ed is the man. When he isn't down at one of the canals fishing, you'll find him visiting neighbors (fishing for men). He refers to himself sometimes as "Special Ed" and he is special.

Gerald (Jerry) Adams lives in Salton City. He has been a deacon for a number of years...recently rediscovered. He's a faithful helper whenever there is a church work day. His motto: "Getting old is not for whimps."

David Reagle can most likely be found at the church when you come by as he works in the office 4 days a week (or more) as the church secretary.  He is a Salton City resident, retired school teacher, and former missionary in Bolivia.  During church service you will probably find David playing the piano or near the sound system adjusting the volume on the mics.

Our Deaconesses

Deanna Guibault (Salton Sea Beach)- An ex-marine with a strong singing voice. She  teaches a weekly Bible study group for women. She is the head deaconess and in charge of the kitchen during church activities. She also will forward the urgent prayer chain requests by text.

Sandy Falicki (Salton City)- Sandy lives with her husband Ron. She is active in the women's Bible study, helps in the kitchen at potlucks, and recently joined the worship team as a singer.

Leona Castle (Vista del Mar)- Leona helps us out setting things up for communion. She's also our designated "button pusher" during the worship service (she pushes the button to advance the PowerPoint presentation) and "bell dinger" when we have a business meeting.

Contact Us



"The Church

with the Steeple"



 Kawika Guibault

3383 Seaview Ave

Salton Sea Beach, CA


Church email: 



Active Deacons & Deaconesses

Our deacons

  Ed Perez:

Salton Sea Beach

  Gerald Adams:

Salton City

  David Reagle:

Salton City

Our deaconesses:

  Deanna Guibault:

Salton Sea Beach

  Sandy Falicki:

Salton City

  Leona Castle: 

Vista del Mar

We're here to welcome you. For non-emergencies, please drop by the church during these hours:

Sunday Bible Study and Worship

9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Wednesday-Women's Study Group

9 AM-11 AM


9:00 AM-11:00 AM